Loyalty Oaths Compared: An Orwellian Exercise

What’s afoot?  Orwellian doublethink of the highest order. Sure, the hated 1950 Loyalty Oath seems far less onerous than the new Diversity and Inclusion Vow.  But the people who refused to sign the 1950 Oath were heroes standing up for freedom of conscience.  The people who question today’s orthodoxy, in contrast, are hate-mongers who need to be excluded from high-skilled employment.

Killing COVID-19, Rules of Engagement, Politicized Sports, Zoom School, & Jeopardy (33m) – Episode 378

Episode 378 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics from r/blackpeopletwitter and r/whitepeopletwitter: America adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic instead of behaving autocratically and “eliminating” it completely; AIER.org article on Federal Court ruling pandemic orders unconstitutional; soldiers having better rules of engagement than American police officers; assumptions about booing at the Kansas City Chiefs home opening and the politicization of sports; realizing the school is about control and punishment instead of education; and the novel idea that one of the presidential debates should be a round of Jeopardy with relevant answer topics.

Overlords of The Deplorables

Political divisions in the USA now appear to have taken an unusually rigid form. There are two large blocs, the pro-Trumpers and the anti-Trumpers, who share little except each one’s hatred of the other. Trump’s policies, whatever they have been or failed to be, have relatively little to do with these divisions, which spring from a deeper source in the culture wars.