Democracy Is War by Other Means

Democracy is war by other means. Superficially, it is waged with ballots instead of bullets. At the end of the day, those ballots become bullets. Elections load real guns and aim them at real people. If you disobey the commandments handed down by elected officials, beefy men with shaved heads and Ray-Ban sunglasses will come to take you away. If you resist them, hot lead will fly. Elections are scrambles for control over the service weapons that propel those rounds. In such contests, every faction is trying to point the gun barrels at someone else.

The Freedom Hive – Truth, Freedom, Prosperity.

I’ve perceived a need for an action oriented community in my local area. One in which people can come to find solutions that can be incorporated into their lives, and they can then participate in the learning, integrating, and teaching processes that we all have to offer depending at what stage we are at in moving toward more personal freedom in our lives and the lives of our friends and family.

False Dilemma

Nobody asked but … One of the reasons why a dilemma can be false is that life, in reality, seldom sorts itself into two distinct and mutually exclusive choices.  The more classical definition of the false dilemma is where one person tries to convince another that the failure of A will certainly cause the advent…

On Jurisdiction

State lawmakers and law enforcement officers claim jurisdiction over their citizenry, meaning, they claim that the laws the make and enforce are applicable to those they claim are their citizens. What facts and evidence of those facts do they have to prove their claim? Dig deep enough, throwing out non-responsive answers to that question (non-factual,…

Spencerian Parenting

Editor’s Pick. Written by Dan Sanchez. We wonder why, after years of allowing them very few decisions, our children end up such poor decision-makers. We give them little responsibility and wonder why, as young men and women, they are so irresponsible. We endeavor to inculcate strict obedience to every parental dictate, and wonder why every…

No Hitting! – Full Book

No Hitting! A Short Guide on Why Spanking is Unnecessary by Skyler J. Collins, Published 2015 Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Paperback ($6) and other digital formats found here. Preface Here it is, my third published work and second written entirely by myself. Everything Voluntary: From Politics to Parenting was an anthology I…

Chapter 6 – Divine Mandate

Table of ContentsPrevious – Chapter 5, Respect and Obedience Chapter 6 – Divine Mandate Many religious people, Christian and not, consider the practice of spanking to be divinely mandated. They’ll quote scriptures or religious leaders in the attempt to support that belief. If you believe without a doubt that spanking is required by your god,…