Politics is Not the Solution

It’s literally the opposite of the solution—it’s the problem. Growing a political party and winning elections does indeed come at a cost, and I’m not willing to give up seeking or speaking truth in order to participate in a system which was explicitly created to suppress and enslave mankind.

Liberty Butts

It’s interesting to me how committed most people are to liberty. Liberty… but not if it means leaving people alone to do things I don’t like. Liberty… unless it means I can’t control other people. Liberty… except when people want to use their property in ways that annoy me.

Defending a Free Nation

Most societies, at least in this century, handle the problem of national defense by having a large, well-armed, permanent military force, run by a centralized government, funded by taxation, and often (though not always) manned by conscription. Is this a solution that a free nation can or should follow?