Logic Fallacy

Nobody asked but … My alter ego, Verbal Vol, is in the midst of penning a series on logic fallacy in his bi-weekly columns, Finding the Challenges.  But today I ran across an excellent article by Max Borders, Effectively Irrational: 30 common fallacies used against libertarians.  These will give you excellent examples of how logic…

The Tardigrade, Time Bandits, Another Fallacy

Send him mail. “Finding the Challenges” is an original column appearing every other Wednesday at Everything-Voluntary.com, by Verbal Vol. Verbal is a software engineer, college professor, corporate information officer, life long student, farmer, libertarian, literarian, student of computer science and self-ordering phenomena. Archived columns can be found here. FTC-only RSS feed available here. This column…


Nobody asked but … I passed two billboards on the way to work this morning.  I have been passing one of them for maybe a year now, and it asks “Heaven or Hell?”  Today there was another one, a recruiting billboard for the US Marine Corps.  The new one (USMC) headlines the bold word “COMMITTMENT,”…

On Rights II

A graphic I recently saw explained “how rights work“. It described how rights are secured as a matter of consensus by members in society. It made some really good points about a complex idea. While there is the logically-defensible consideration of rights, there is also the matter of popular acceptance. Both are important perspectives on…

On Morality

Let us once again visit etymological roots. Morality is “moral qualities,” so what is moral? From the Latin moralis meaning “proper behavior of a person in society.” Alright, let’s keep going. What is “proper”? “Adapted to some purpose, fit, apt; commendable, excellent.” In the context of moralis, behavior most adapted to, fit, or apt for life…

On Rights

The concept of “rights” can mean different things to different people, but what does it mean etymologically? Right comes from riht (West Saxon) or reht (Anglican), and has several meanings. In the context of voluntaryism, it means “what someone deserves; a just claim, what is due; correctness, truth; a legal entitlement, a privilege,”. It seems…