On Gender Expression II

I hold no issue with or bigotry toward anyone expressing themselves however they see fit. I think it’s important that each of us find a way to be comfortable in our own skin. You do you, and I’ll do me. Human expression is beautifully diverse. I also think it’s important that each of us are honest with ourselves and others about what we are.

Safety Regulations Could Kill the Scooter Revolution (But They Totally Won’t)

With so many Birds and Limes already scooting around Atlanta’s Midtown district, I decided that I wanted to give one a try. I downloaded the app and headed eagerly over to a Lime scooter parked on the side of the road. I was giddy with excitement, dreams of zipping down Atlanta sidewalks scooting through my head. Then I came upon the Terms and Conditions.

On Gender Expression

One ideological battle “raging” today is centered around the idea of gender. Some say human gender is binary, male and female. Others say human gender is non-binary, that there are many genders among human beings. Personally, I see nothing wrong with the following: human gender is binary, male and female; but gender expression is varied and fluid.

The Befuddling Orwellian Slogan of “Hate Speech”

The notion of so-called “hate speech” is totalitarian newspeak at its finest. Everyone has an inalienable right to hate whomever he pleases and be vocal about it. On the other hand, no one has a right to threaten others with physical aggression. However, it is perfectly possible to do the former without doing the latter – even extreme and extremely conspicuous emotional dislike does not logically imply issuing threats of aggression against the object of hatred.

Depopulating Palestine, Dehumanizing the Palestinians

One might have thought that, in the wake of the Nazi regime’s systematic crimes against humanity last century, dehumanization would have become unthinkable once and for all. Unfortunately, this has not been the case. It has shamefully continued unabated, the assorted perpetrators including, with tragic irony, those who themselves were victims of Nazi dehumanization. Dehumanization is…

Do You Really Deserve to Question Your Own Worthiness?

Before you were born, were you worthy of being born? How could you have been worthy of receiving the gift of life when you didn’t even exist yet? What exactly did you create or achieve before you were conceived to get to a point where you deserved to exist?  Maybe life is a gift that we receive not because we deserve it, but because we live in a universe of abundance and possibility.

Libertarians Shouldn’t Be Accomplices of Aggression

Immigrants don’t arrive in a place uninvited. They have friends, family members, and/or business relationships who have invited them and provided for them means of doing so successfully. It is short order before they are back on their feet and producing value for others. These people are not criminals. They are our fellow human beings doing exactly what we’d all be doing if we were in their place. It’s the height of hubris and arrogance to believe it’s okay to direct violence at them simply because you are annoyed.