What Do Judges Maximize?

Public choice analysts did not develop a standard way of analyzing the actions of judges. For the most part, judges were simply ignored. Of course, if the judges were elected, they could be analyzed in the same way as any other elected officials, but in regard to appointed judges, especially those appointed for life terms, as the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court are, public choice had little to say.

On Empowerment

If you wanted to help someone feel empowered to take control of their circumstances, their life, and to make improvements, would you tell them that everything they want to do is within their power to reach for and possible to achieve, or would you tell them that before they can reach for what they want, they must wait for other people to act first?

Better — Not Good Yet

I am reading Hans Rosling’s book, Factfulness. Its subtitle is Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World–and Why Things Are Better Than You Think.  I’m only up to reason #5, and I’m already convinced.  It’s too bad that Alex Jones has usurped the name, “Info Wars,” because he is a malefactor in those info wars.  Rosling, et al, are benefactors.

On Government Murder

R. J. Rummel estimated that the institution of government killed just over a quarter billion people last century. What is the institution of government? It’s the group of people in society who believe, without evidence, that they have the authority to impose their rules onto peaceful people.