Episode 076 – Chris’s Journey (1h40m)

Episode 076 welcomes Chris Jenkins to the podcast to discuss his journey to voluntaryism, with Skyler and Morgan. The topics covered include: Cash Flow, the game, the Robert Kiyosaki and Jeff Berwick encounter, his paralegal career, his K-12 public schooling experience and being labeled slow, forced into Resource classes and not allowed out, his complete disinterest in all things school, his LDS mission to Philadelphia and Dover, his wife and kids, their schooling experience, his neo-conservative days during the 2008 election, first paying attention to Ron Paul in 2012, his interest in affiliate marketing, becoming a libertarian in 2012 and an anarchist in 2013-2014, the attacks he suffered by the City of Bountiful over his rental property, why having people close to you with different opinions can make for enlightening discussions, and his favorite podcasts.

State Intrusions into the Market

There is a tendency among certain libertarians (and among critics of libertarianism) to question how some problem they believe is currently being alleviated by the state would be dealt with in a free society. What they typically fail to comprehend is that the vast majority of problems which the state pretends to mitigate are actually caused primarily if not entirely by the state and its intrusions into the market.

Influences III

If I were a guest on a podcast or an interview broadcast, when asked about my major influences, I would stick close to the names repeated by voluntaryists — Spooner, Bastiat, Jefferson, Mencken, Mises, Hazlitt, Rothbard, Higgs, and Woods. But in this more expansive context, I can stretch out to discuss the influences who made me a voluntaryist before I knew I was one, before I knew to read the internal literature of the voluntaryist, libertarian, individualist mainstream. Three such influences are Alan Turing, Dan Carlin, and Ruth Rendell.