Bullies, Outrageous Laws, Libertarian Unpopularity and Failures (29m) – Editor’s Break 081

Editor’s Break 081 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: bullying our children into standing up for themselves toward bullies; when laws become totally outrageous and we’re no longer willing to support them; why libertarianism is unpopular; how libertarianism fails and why that’s really a bad question to begin with; and more.

Maybe It’s Time for Libertarian Countries

Contrary to the fears of the skeptics, a libertarian country could provide anything people want. There could be roads, parks, and libraries. The poor could be cared for and people kept safe. Everything provided voluntarily instead of at the barrel of government guns. If you want to make sure only those who paid for a service use it, charge user fees or sell memberships. It would be more ethical, and probably cheaper, than the current system.

California Secession: A Good Start

On April 23, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla approved language for a 2020 ballot proposal submitted by the Yes California Independence Campaign. The proposal will — assuming the campaign can collect and submit signatures from 365,880 registered voters by October — kick off a process already widely known as “Calexit” (after the United Kingdom’s “Brexit” from the European Union).

Kids’ Choices, Heartless, Atheists and a Dying Child, & White Privilege (21m) – Editor’s Break 078

Editor’s Break 078 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: giving kids choices and thereby improving their future; whether or not it is accurate to say that libertarians are heartless; how an atheist would answer a question about Heaven by their dying child; the existence of white privilege, in-group privilege, and political privilege; and more.