Wilson’s Dan Wesson Revolver

“Wilson” was accused by a guy he knew of being involved with the guy’s wife. The guy came to Wilson’s house carrying a shotgun and yelling threats. Wilson met him at the door with his revolver held down at his side. A nice Dan Wesson revolver that he really liked. Seeing Wilson’s gun, the other guy decided to just yell at him for a bit, then walked back to his vehicle. But as he left he fired a shot from his shotgun into the air.

Patents, Social Justice Warriors, Co-Sleeping, & Tribalism (35m) – Editor’s Break 130

Editor’s Break 130 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: a bizarre occurrence in food delivery; the absurdity that is the stato-legal concept of “first-to-file” and patents; how social justice warriors infantilize their peers; the origin of putting kids in separate bedrooms; confusing nationalism with patriotism and tribalism; why he writes and podcasts, primarily, plus a look at possible podcasts he’d like to start; and more.

Appeasing Robin Hanson’s Critics

Appeasement is greatly underrated.  As I’ve explained before: Didn’t the Munich Agreement prove for all time that appeasement doesn’t work?  Hardly.  Despite its well-hyped failures, appeasement is an incredibly effective social strategy for dealing with the unreasonable and the unjust… also known as 90% of mankind.  Whenever someone makes bizarre demands upon me, my default is not…

Exercising Power Based on a Whim

Teachers, parents and other central planners decide certain aspects of how people, usually children, are treated. People like to think these people are objective, considerate, and have a sense of justice in how they treat people. When a person believes that this person of authority violated their implied objectivity, consideration, or sense of justice … it will often come in the form of telling them that they aren’t being fair.

On Prejudice

On a fundamental level, prejudice means “to form prior judgment” and we are all prejudice toward some things. I have already formed the judgment that tigers are dangerous prior to meeting one along my jungle path, for example. When our prior judgments concern other people based on the color of their skin, this is called “racial prejudice” and is generally frowned upon within the society that currently occupies the same continent as myself.

“Far Too Easily Pleased”: My Generation and Justice

Justice and restoration for the marginalized people of our culture has (rightly) become a cause many of my fellow young people are championing. But I can’t help but feel frustration sometimes. There’s something that feels terribly “off” about some strains of this impulse, which shows up in the virtue signalling and “social justice warrioring” that comes along with the impulse for justice.