I Win My European Unemployment Bet

In 2009, the U.S. unemployment rate exceeded Europe’s for the first time in decades.  Apologists for European labor market regulation rejoiced, so I publicly bet that European unemployment would exceed U.S. unemployment over the next decade.  The original authors I targeted turned me down, even after I offered a 1 percentage-point spread.  But noted economist John Quiggin took the bait.

Dear Women: You ARE Your Body, And That Isn’t A Bad Thing; It’s Your Power

The mind/body duality is as fundamental to universal nature as masculine/feminine duality. If you don’t believe in masculine/feminine energy polarities or that there are “masculine” traits and characteristics as well as “feminine” ones, then maybe just stop reading because this article probably isn’t for you. If you do have a deep or even general understanding…

Exercising Power Based on a Whim

Teachers, parents and other central planners decide certain aspects of how people, usually children, are treated. People like to think these people are objective, considerate, and have a sense of justice in how they treat people. When a person believes that this person of authority violated their implied objectivity, consideration, or sense of justice … it will often come in the form of telling them that they aren’t being fair.