Anarcho-Socialists and Anarcho-Capitalists — Friend or Foe?

Editor’s pick. Written by Darrell Anderson. Exchanging ideas is a challenging process all humans face. Words and language are imprecise and because all knowledge is a result of an interpretive process, exchanging ideas requires much patience between participants. One of the divided areas of ideas are those shared by people calling themselves anarcho-socialists and anarcho-capitalists…

Anarchism Without Adjectives

Editor’s Pick. Written by Kevin Carson. What can we say about the general outlines of a stateless society? First, it will emerge as a result of the ongoing exhaustion, hollowing out and retreat of large hierarchical institutions like state, corporation, large bureaucratic university, etc. It will generally be based on some kind of horizontalism (prefigured…

Bad Ideas

Nobody asked but … Lily Tomlin posed the difficulty, “I worry that the person who thought up Muzak may be thinking up something else.”  The same could be said about a jillion bad ideas.  United Nations?  Allying with Joseph Stalin?  The TSA?  The NSA?  The Iraq War.  Don’t you worry that the current incarnation of…

To Atheist Liberals

Send him mail. “Food for Thought” is an original column appearing every other Tuesday at, by Norman Imberman. Norman is a retired podiatrist who loves playing piano, writing music, lawn bowling, bridge, reading, classical music, going to movies, plays, concerts and traveling. He is not a member of any social network, nor does he…