On Co-Sleeping

We are co-sleepers and room-sharers in my family. We started our family bedroom in early 2013, before my youngest was born, and several years before we started renting our house out on Airbnb (2016) and doing some light traveling. This arrangement is how humans slept for the entire history of our species (and before, of course) up until 200 years ago.

Organize Social Media Around Your Quests, Not Yourself

Social media is so often full of stress, trolls, self-aggrandizement, and comparison. If you’re the kind of person who reads this blog, you probably agree. Maybe like me you’ve mostly let your social media accounts lie, or killed your newsfeed, or something of the sort. I’m still a big believer in what social media can be at its best. And I’ve seen a few shining exceptions of online communities that – gasp – are healthy and positive places.

How to Get Good at Dealing With Massive Change

We all go through times of massive change: a divorce, death in the family, change of job (or loss of job), moving to a new home or city, turbulence in your relationships, political chaos, and all kinds of uncertainties and demands on your time and attention. It can be overwhelming and distressing. But what if we could get good at dealing with all kinds of changes? It would open us up in times of change, so that these times can be times of deepening, growth, and even joy.

Gratis is Not Great

Almost every psychologically normal human is delighted to here about products everyone can enjoy free of charge.  “The schools are free!”  “Health care is free!”  “Lunch is free!” According to basic welfare economics, however, gratis goods are almost automatically inefficient.  Unless the marginal social cost of the product miraculously happens to be zero, setting a price of zero leads to socially wasteful behavior.