Fiction or Natural Law

Nobody asked but … We are seeing the term “birthright citizenship” bruited about these days (Surprise! During election season … ). Politicians have discovered that you can send up a trial balloon on any topic, absurd or mundane. But more on the case at hand, POTUS claims that he can suspend “birthright citizenship” by Executive…

Government Obstructions on Importation and Immigration Are Parallel Forms of Plunder

When the government imposes tariffs or import quotas, it harms a few foreigners — exporting producers and their workers mainly — but it harms far more people in the country with these trade obstructions, who suffer an absence of superior options or face higher prices for the imported types of goods on the domestic market owing to lessened competition.

Skool vs Education

For a sizeable percentage of people, school doesn’t “work”. Not if you expect it to result in education, anyway. I’ve mentioned before that many of my relatives work at government schools. One has recently retired, but has shifted into being a “substitute teacher”. His recent experiences are enlightening.