Balanced Imagination

There are people who have no imagination. They can’t imagine anything but what is right in front of them right now. Then there are those with overactive imaginations. They imagine– or fall for– everything, regardless of whether it’s possible or realistic. And many people exhibit both conditions simultaneously, but it depends on what you’re talking about at the moment.

Pandemic Evictions, MN Police PTSD, Student Visas, & SCOTUS Robocall Ruling (29m) – Episode 328

Episode 328 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the looming evictions of 28 million Americans caused by government lockdowns; Minneapolis police officers filing for PTSD-related disability claims; ICE forcing student visa holders to attend university in-person or risk deportation; the recent Supreme Court ruling overturning the 2015 law exempting government debt collectors from the 1991 law banning robocalls to cell phones; and more.