Homeschooling Summit, Chelsea Manning, & A Thought Experiment (26m) – Editor’s Break 053

Editor’s Break 053 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: The Homeschooling and Liberty Summit, which begins February 1st, 2018 (, Chelsea Manning and her support for a universal basic income program, government shutdowns, a thought experiment on voluntaryism, why you can’t fix politics by electing better people, and more.

Layer of Secrecy

This morning I got started with the headline in the local newspaper, “bill would add layer of secrecy to [government deliberations]… ” What could go wrong?  And this is for state and local government in Kentucky.  Do you reckon that Kentucky is starting some advanced weapons initiative?

Questioning College, Offending People, & Bad Libertarianism (33m) – Editor’s Break 052

Editor’s Break 052 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: questioning college like we question opting out of college, offending people when we share our opinions, particularly political and philosophical opinions, the wisdom in being free and pursuing your own interests, why Hans Hoppe is dangerously wrong in his latest article attacking the idea that governments should not protect “Western society” via border control, and more.