Seasteading Thought Experiment

I find this scenario useful when considering any issue that involves being “captive” (more or less) to a geographic location. How much does this “captivity” allow others to control us or force us to make concessions to the will of others? For example, the issue of immigration, when considering this scenario, is seen as one of necessarily forcing fellow natives to live with either open borders or controlled borders.

Problematic Inarticulation

Human language, as well as symbolic rationality, leaves much to be desired in terms of communication.  If it is trial and error, then it is 100% trial and 99.999 … % error.  Because we humans are stuck with language, we are effectively walled off from fact, we are effectively walled in by perception.

Words Poorly Used #127 — Secrecy, Security, Privacy

These three words, secrecy, security, and privacy, are thrown about, often with an intent to imply relationship among them.  But none of them actually imply the others or any combination of the others.  the critical element for each is whether they are legitimate provinces of the state, and in the hands of the state, are they appropriately administered.  Let’s look at each as a standalone entity.

No One Stole Your Job

People who have chosen to trade with you in the past can decide to trade with someone else instead. While this may be inconvenient for you, this is not an act of aggression against you. It doesn’t make you a victim of anything. You have no right to a “job,” any more than the local convenience store has some right to have you buy lunch from them.