The Liberal Spirit and Its Opposite, Alt-Rightism

Maybe a few self-described libertarians cling to the idea that property is essentially about exclusion, but they are fated to hit a wall: liberalism is a spirit as well as a set of ideas, and it cannot be turned against itself. It fosters human solidarity, not separation. Libertarianism, like its precursor, is an answer to the question: under what conditions do reasoning social animals best flourish?  In answering that question the way it has, liberalism offers no home to sowers of division.

Bankrupt from The Get-Go

In regard to the popular (especially in academia) ideology that the truth of a proposition is solely a matter of the race, sex, class, and gender of the person stating the proposition, do the proponents of this view suppose that every member of such an aggregate (e.g., every black person, every gay person, etc.) holds identical beliefs?

In U.S. Universities, a Divorce Is Needed

If the worthwhile parts of the U.S. universities are to continue to thrive, or even to survive as serious endeavors, it would seem that a parting of the ways must come. The STEM fields must separate themselves from the bullshit parts of the universities. The latter can then go their own way to fester in their nonsense until the general public awakens to the need to cease supporting such activities altogether.

Identity and Anarchy, Part 1

What I’ve been thinking a lot of about lately is this concept of identity. And I’ve got like… a dozen half-written posts trying to explore my own thoughts, and figure out exactly how I want to present what I’m effectively trying to say. Maybe they’ll get finished, but maybe they won’t. I don’t know. But maybe I can attempt here to at least cut to the chase.