Jack C. Returns, NZ Lockdowns, & Be Your Own Authority (1h8m) – Episode 357

Episode 357 welcomes back Jack Carney to chat with Skyler on the following topics: the COVID-19 lockdown experience in Auckland, New Zealand; lockdown protests stateside, their response, and then the George Floyd protests and their opposite response; government coordination on lockdown policies and website resource design; the Milgram experiment and what it says about today’s political climate; the Plandemic documentaries; the medical mafia; the changing usefulness of the Karen meme; why there are so few libertarian types in the world; government as God; the formerly rebellious nature of Mormons; why everyone must be their own authority, their own god; the non-aggression principle and self-defense; Free Friends, voluntary community building; his draft dodging of the Vietnam War in 1967; the Academy of Ideas YouTube channel; and more.

Ron Paul: The Untold Story of the Man Who Helped Inspire a New Generation of Liberty Lovers

If you’re under the age of 40 and you’re reading this, chances are very good that your interest in the liberty movement was sparked by three-time presidential candidate and veteran Texas Congressman Ron Paul. Paul inspired an entire generation of Libertarians, Constitutionalists and limited-government Conservatives with his 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns.

Gossip, Close-Mindedness, Anger, Ignorance, & Moving On (22m) – Episode 018

Episode 018 looks at paying attention to the gossip your friends tell; protecting yourself from getting defensive when you read opinions you don’t agree with; not responding for at least 15 minutes when something makes you angry; the importance of acknowledging that you don’t know something and using it as a bonding opportunity; and moving on from a job that no longer serves you well.

Not Even Daycare

The most common misinterpretation of The Case Against Education is that it’s only about college.  In fact, my treatise analyzes not only high school, but K-8 as well.  Where there is education, there is educational signaling. Whenever I opined K-8 education, though, I made a major concession.  While schools mostly waste taxpayer money and students’ time, […]

The post Not Even Daycare appeared first on Econlib.

Government is a Mafia

To government-supremacists, if you don’t like the gang that controls your neighborhood, don’t try to kick them out, just leave. Leave your property behind, leave your family, leave your friends, leave everything familiar. Because the gang has a better claim to your territory than you do– according to their supporters. And if you resist, their hit men will murder you.

Stories Open Doors

When someone tells you, “I’m an engineer”, instead of filing this as a fact in your mental Rolodex, you immediately want to know the story. How did they end up an engineer? Is this the end of a long journey, the beginning of a new story, or the middle? Curiosity drives you to ask good questions, good questions make connections, and connections lead to opportunities.