The Value Someone Else Sees in You

I think it is a horrible idea for anyone to maintain a relationship that they aren’t extracting extra value for. If a friend takes more work than he offers value, drop him. If you have romantic interest in a girl, but she doesn’t share it … don’t be her friend. If parents are a pain in the ass and don’t bring anything of value to the table, stop associating with them. If you don’t do this, you end up attracting people who desire to extract resources from people without offering value.

“Stupid” Christian Vulgarity

I was taught that “bad words” (fuck, ass, shit, etc) were sins, while everyone ignored the accepted words used to shame, manipulate, and otherwise harm people. I’ve lost any regard for this shitty view of vulgarity. It merely saves the sensibilities of busybodies, while ignoring true harm done with language.

Question Everything, Not Just the Alternatives

If you want to go to college and still be accepted by your family/friends, you don’t need a good reason for attending. The world will gladly accept your decision and praise you for it without the slightest bit of scrutiny. If you want to pursue an alternative, however, get ready for the most intense interrogation of your life because people will finally begin to care about all sorts of questions they’d never dare pose to a college student or college administrator.