Aaron W. Returns, Leaving California for Texas, & Child Protective Services Ordeal (57m) – Episode 435

Episode 435 welcomes back Aaron White to the podcast to chat with Skyler on the following topics: leaving California and the many reasons for doing so such as living expense, new Democrat Party supermajority in local politics, and the charter school crackdown; moving to Texas, specifically the Dallas / Ft. Worth metro area; social justice and woke ideology verse unschooling and free schooling principles; he and his family’s recent experience with California’s Child Protective Services; why every lawyer he talked to advised him to comply with CPS as thoroughly as possible, the opposite advice they give when dealing with police officers (ie. keep your mouth shut); how child protective services may exist in a free society and the question of “skin in the game” for these kinds of allegations; and more.

ARK3 Returns, Trauma and Rage, PTSD, & Violent Parenting (1h3m) – Episode 428

Episode 428 welcomes back Alex R. Knight III to chat with Skyler on the following topics: finally making the connection between his former alcoholism and trauma he experienced in childhood and adolescence; accepting failure as okay, and not as shameful; post-traumatic stress disorder experienced by both of them; family disfunction and divorce; the roots of authoritarianism in violent (physically and psychologically/emotionally) parenting; laws against spanking; the effects of prolonged brain exposure to stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline; stress in infancy, such as “cry-it-out”; evolutionary reasons why kids protest bedtime; Skyler’s family bedroom; and more.

Entrepreneurship Is Accelerating at the Fastest Rate in Decades During This Pandemic

This week, the Wall Street Journal reports that entrepreneurship during the pandemic is accelerating. Several metrics point to this growth, including the number of people applying for tax identification numbers. The Journal cites US Census Bureau data revealing that applications by small businesses rose nearly one-third between January and September, compared to the previous year. In particular, applications skyrocketed between July and September, rising 77 percent from the previous quarter—the biggest quarterly increase in 16 years of tracking this data.

Anxious Thoughts, Workaholics, Social Gatherings, Holiday Frugality, & Moving On (25m) – Episode 043

Episode 043 looks at curbing anxious thoughts from spiraling out of control; carving time out now to spend with your family while they’re young, instead of waiting until you’re middle-aged or elderly; how to leave social gatherings early without damaging your reputation with the host; the importance of being frugal around the holidays, especially in such a tough year as 2020; and not being afraid to find a new job when your current job stops serving you.

Why Unity is Bullshit

“Unity” is usually a message to merely shut you up and to get you to go along with bullshit. It is a message of social intimidation. Once a person and/or their values can be justified in defining the group, they perpetuate their power by telling everyone that unity is doing what authority wants. It is perpetuated by those with power and dim people looking to merely get along, and is used to otherize dissent. It is used to make people look at dissenters as disunifiers and for people to make them outcasts.

Julieta Returns, Family Importance, Daughters, Public Tantrums, & Mission to Mars (38m) – Episode 419

Episode 419 has Skyler and Julieta giving their commentary on the following questions from Quora: “How important is family in society?”; “Why are daughters raised to take on adult responsibilities at an early age but not sons?”; “What would you do if your child won’t return the toy he was allowed to play with and throws a public tantrum?”; and “What would you do if your only child came up to you at age 19 and said they were going on a one-way mission to help setup a colony on Mars?”