Episode 024 – A Conversation on “Everything Voluntary” (1h52m)

Episode 024 is a conversation on the origin and meaning of the phrase “everything voluntary”. Listen to Episode 024 (1h52m, mp3, 96kbps)Show Notes Everything-Voluntary.com, “About“Skyler Collins, “Origin of Everything-Voluntary“Skyler Collins, Everything Voluntary: From Politics to ParentingEVC Podcast, Episode 001 – Skyler’s JourneyEVC Podcast, Episode 003 – Golden Rule EthicsEVC Podcast, Episode 005 – Consent of…

On Argumentation Ethics

I understand that Hans Hoppe’s Argumentation Ethics as not saying that self-ownership is true, rather, that anyone arguing anything accepts self-ownership as true by their “performance.” To argue against self-ownership is then a performative contradiction, but only for the one doing so. And if you have a desire to “get along” with others and to…

On Morality

Let us once again visit etymological roots. Morality is “moral qualities,” so what is moral? From the Latin moralis meaning “proper behavior of a person in society.” Alright, let’s keep going. What is “proper”? “Adapted to some purpose, fit, apt; commendable, excellent.” In the context of moralis, behavior most adapted to, fit, or apt for life…

Superman and Freedom

Editor’s Pick. Written by Chris Brown in November 2008. If man is really free, how can we account for his inability to fly, to travel through time, to leap across the ocean, for not being omniscient or omnipotent? In short, wouldn’t man have to be more like Superman to actually be free? Man is constrained…

Anarchy and Lawlessness

Editor’s Pick. Written by James E. Miller. If a casual observer were ignorant, he may declare the needless murder of a mentally handicapped teenager proof of anarchy’s existence. But of course he would be wrong. Under the state, there is already a caste of individuals who act “without leaders” and without regard to the Law.…

The Ethics of Torture

NOTE: This blog post contains mild spoilers for the 2013 Hugh Jackman movie “Prisoners.” An intriguing movie on many levels, “Prisoners” sets up a very thought-provoking scenario in which the father of a kidnapped girl has extremely strong evidence that a particular suspect is guilty of or at least involved in the kidnapping. The evidence…