Not Even Daycare

The most common misinterpretation of The Case Against Education is that it’s only about college.  In fact, my treatise analyzes not only high school, but K-8 as well.  Where there is education, there is educational signaling. Whenever I opined K-8 education, though, I made a major concession.  While schools mostly waste taxpayer money and students’ time, […]

The post Not Even Daycare appeared first on Econlib.

T.K. Coleman: Entrepreneurship As A Theory of Social Change (1h14m)

This episode features a talk by serial entrepreneur and education activist T.K. Coleman from 2016. “I want everyone to leave there feeling convinced that we have a tremendous amount of power to create a freer world without relying solely or primarily on politics. Moreover, I want them to have concrete and inspiring examples of how this is being done and how they can get involved.”

Lawrence Reed: Challenging the Myths of Progressivism (1h6m)

This episode features a talk by President Emeritus of both the Foundation for Economic Education and the Mackinac Center for Public Policy Lawrence Reed from 2015. There’s little truly “progressive” about Progressivism. True progress happens when humans are free, yet the Progressive agenda substantially diminishes freedom while promising the unachievable. Based on his 2015 book, Excuse Me, Professor, Reed tackles a number of the most common economic, philosophic and historical errors of “progressive” ideology.

Thaddeus Russell: Thoughts of a Renegade (1h11m)

This episode features an interview of post-academic historian and education entrepreneur Thaddeus Russell from 2017 by Nick Gillespie of the Reason podcast. Russell talks about discovering the Austrian School of economics only long after he left the academy, why actual Marxists hate postmodernism and why libertarians should love it, the insidious nature of America’s Protestant work ethic, and how the Democrats are reviving the Cold War.