Education and Its Discontents

What is taught to the students at school is basically: “You have no choice in where you will be. If you do not do as I tell you, worse things will happen to you. If you follow orders, better things will happen to you.” The subject here is learning to accept the basic context of being in a prison and to follow orders to escape a worse fate. The kind of learning environment that I support can more or less fit under the category of unschooling.

Assumption of Risk, Where Art Thou?

One of the major lessons we learn growing up is understanding the concept of risk, that is, the possibility of getting hurt. Different activities have more or less risk as it concerns our physical safety. When we join a gym, our assumption of risk is explicit in the form of a written and signed waiver. This protects the gym from being sued when we injure ourselves. Does this concept have any place in the current discussion on sexual harassment and sexual assault?

Eric’s Journey, #1 Insider, & Libertarian Politics (1h2m) – Episode 097

Episode 097 welcomes Eric Martin to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: winning the Insider contest and his stock options reward, what’s sale to Walmart for $3.3B meant for Eric, running for US Congress in 2012, Ron Paul’s influence on his journey to libertarianism, types of libertarians, cryptocurrencies, future education plans for his children, and much more.

Riley’s Journey, Anarcho Agenda Podcast (1h26m) – Episode 096

Episode 096 welcomes Riley Blake of Anarcho Agenda to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: Riley’s podcast, getting into audio processing, the challenges of being blind, origins of our libertarian journeys, podcasting challenges, free market of ideas and never censoring people, self-directed education (unschooling), the cycle of abuse in parenting, school, and the state, power vs. freedom, negotiating with children, becoming better people through libertarianism, and more.