Chris J. Returns, Sinister Social Distancing, & Agorism/Counter-Economics (56m) – Episode 358

Episode 358 welcomes back Chris Jenkins to chat with Skyler on the following topics: their Jurassic Park movie favorites, in order; movies during the 2020 pandemic; social distancing verse physical distance and whether something more sinister is afoot; Samuel Konkin III’s agorism and counter-economic strategies for starving the state of tax revenue; civil disobedience; challenging the state’s jurisdictional claims (and a bit on Skyler’s recent experience with his Airbnb, found here); gumming up the gears of state action through courts and in raising the costs of their bureaucratic enforcement; Utah allowing community service in lieu of paying traffic fines and where that law originated; unschooling and homeschooling as agorist action; and more.

Ron Paul: The Untold Story of the Man Who Helped Inspire a New Generation of Liberty Lovers

If you’re under the age of 40 and you’re reading this, chances are very good that your interest in the liberty movement was sparked by three-time presidential candidate and veteran Texas Congressman Ron Paul. Paul inspired an entire generation of Libertarians, Constitutionalists and limited-government Conservatives with his 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns.

Economics 101: “Economics for Beginners” & Wizard’s Eleventh Rule: Embrace Life (41m) – Episode 355

Episode 355 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: continuation of the Economics 101 mini-series by reviewing’s new short video series “Economics for Beginners”; continuation of the Wizard’s Rules mini-series, Wizard’s Eleventh Rule: “Embrace life, seek strength without hate”; and more.

Economics 101: Economic Sense & Wizard’s Tenth Rule: Treason to One’s Self (45m) – Episode 340

Episode 340 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: continuation of the Economics 101 mini-series concluding Walter Williams’ Economics for the Citizen series; continuation of the Wizard’s Rules mini-series, Wizard’s Tenth Rule: “Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one’s self”; and more.

Starlink and “Pollution”

I have gone out at night and watched Starlink satellites pass overhead. Most of the time they were too dim for me to see. A few times I was able to see the “train”– a string of satellites following one another across the sky– with some success. It’s rather interesting to see and even beautiful in a way. But, even though I really like antique stuff made of brass, bone, wood, leather, and glass, I’m not a Luddite.