Their Own Personal Political Benefit

When government officials order certain types to business to close or to operate only at no more than 25 or 50 percent of capacity, those orders in many cases are tantamount to a death sentence, because many businesses cannot afford to close completely for an indefinite period or to operate far below capacity. The permanent closures of small businesses entail unemployment for many employees and a loss of investment for owners, many of whom worked and saved for years in order to go into business for themselves.


Let me be clear:  I consider suicide a tremendous tragedy.  It has touched my life and my family very deeply, and personally.  It seems to me that there are a thousand and one options, in most cases, before one should undertake such a dramatic, final, and irreversible course of action. That said, in the final analysis, the decision to live or not to live is – and should be – 100% the exclusive choice of the owner of that life – and never some outside party.  Ever. 

Tucker Carlson and the Cult of the Court

“The Supreme Court,” said Tucker Carlson on the October 12 edition of his Fox talk show, “exists only to determine whether the laws that our politicians write are consistent with the Constitution of the United States. That’s why we have a Supreme Court. It’s the only reason we have it.” Perhaps Tucker should keep a copy of the Constitution, maybe even a history book or two, on his desk (or on the table in his show’s writers’ room) to help him avoid saying stupid things like that in public.

SC Planned Parenthood, Rape Death Penalty, Betelgeuse, & Blindness Gene Therapy (36m) – Episode 404

Episode 404 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following news stories: from, “US Supreme Court rejects SC’s effort to cut off public funding for Planned Parenthood”; from, “Bangladesh approves death penalty for rape cases after protests”; from, “Betelgeuse is 25 percent closer than scientists thought”; and from, “Gene therapy brings back 8-year-old Canadian boy’s sight”.