How Curiosity Can Help You Overcome Suffering

I’ve lived through a couple of rounds of layoffs at this point in my career. On the worse occasion, one of my coworkers was facing down the reality of picking up the pieces of their work after losing several team members. The only thing keeping them going? Curiosity about what it would take to continue operating. Curiosity about what life would be like now. Curiosity about whether success was now achievable.

Your Curiosity is Your Expertise

There are plenty of frauds out there, and even more people who call other people frauds.  Of course you don’t want to be one.  But if you let fear of fraudulence keep you from doing something, you’re likely to be stuck forever.  You’ll never have a level of expertise that shields you 100% from accusations of fraud, or the chance that you might not know what you’re talking about.

Homeschooling Can Be Tough Sometimes

In a span of 24 hours this week, I heard from two homeschooling moms threatening to send their kids to school. First, was a text with “I can’t do this!” Next, was a conversation with a mom who wants to send her child back to school and catch a break. Both moms were feeling frustrated, tired, and uncertain. Both were feeling that school would be easier, better; yet knowing deeply that isn’t true. Both were feeling what we all feel sometimes.