In Defense of Quitting

Many times quitting is the best option. In fact, the vast majority of the time it is the best option. I have quit on every romantic relationship I have ever been in, except for one. I have quit every perspective profession I have ever been in, except for one. I have quit most of my friendships, I have quit most of my hobbies, I have quit many endeavors, I have quit most things in my life.

Paring Down Your Life

Our lives are overfull. There’s not a single one of us who is free of that trap, in my experience. We say yes to invitations and commitments, we answer as many emails and messages as we can, we join courses and groups, buy books and take on new hobbies, get involved in new relationships and buy more stuff.

Panties in a Bunch

There should be no requirements mandating drivers licenses, insurance, or helmets, nor should there be any age or sobriety limitations. The scooters should be allowed anywhere pedestrians are permitted such as sidewalks and along streets when sidewalks are unavailable.

What Do Judges Maximize?

Public choice analysts did not develop a standard way of analyzing the actions of judges. For the most part, judges were simply ignored. Of course, if the judges were elected, they could be analyzed in the same way as any other elected officials, but in regard to appointed judges, especially those appointed for life terms, as the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court are, public choice had little to say.