You Are Being Watched

About 19 years ago, around half-past dusk, in an average town in a nearby state, I was riding in the passenger seat while my wife-at-the-time drove. Pulling a particularly blatant act of poor driving in the middle of town, she made a left turn and cut off an approaching coproach. She seemed completely oblivious when I mentioned this error. Unsurprisingly, the gangster in question made a turn, followed, and stopped her.

In Spite of Threats

On any given day, even in a world pervaded by states and their dictates, nearly everything that people do or refrain from doing is so not because the state threatens them with violence for acting otherwise, but because they find conformity with rules — honesty, promise keeping, careful handling of goods, avoidance of opportunism, and so forth — to be in their interest.

On Government Funding of Science

Neil deGrasse Tyson was on the Joe Rogan podcast recently. Therein he defended the need for government to fund scientific advancement. His argument was that many frontiers are neither accessible nor profitable for free enterprise until government paves the way. He’s probably not wrong, but that hardly constitutes a justification for government funding sourced by coercion.

Fake News II

It is an irony that a man, a man without a lot of substance, a man made by the media, is now POTUS.  It is a further irony that we are at this pass because the media manipulated the man, while the man manipulated the media.  Both sets of manipulation continue.

Fake News

POTUS likes to take credit for things that are going to happen anyway.  Thus it is with “fake news.”  Fake news is really incompetent news.  And incompetent news has been around for a long time, as it will be as long as there is news.