Mask Mandates: COVID-19 and the Law of the Instrument

“One day after the state reported a record 92 COVID-19-related deaths,” the Wisconsin State Journal‘s Mitchell Schmidt reports, “Gov. Tony Evers announced Wednesday he plans to extend the state’s emergency declaration and accompanying mask mandate through mid-January. … The current mask mandate was issued in July and extended by Evers in September.” The first two mask mandates didn’t achieve the desired result! Something must be done! Hey, I’ve got an idea! How about another mask mandate?


I’ve spent over 30 years arguing about ideas.  During those decades, I’ve learned a lot.  I’ve changed my mind.  I’ve changed minds. Normally, however, arguing about ideas is fruitless.  Tempers fray.  Discussion goes in circles.  Each and every mental corruption that Philip Tetlock has explored rears its ugly epistemic head.  You even lose friends.

America in Transition: Two Things Donald Trump Can Do to Burnish His Legacy

If Joe Biden is locked in as the next president of the United States, Donald Trump has more than two months remaining in office. During that time, there are several steps he can and should take to burnish his legacy and set himself up to be remembered more kindly than his first four years and ten months in office might otherwise merit. Here are two of them.

Quitting Something, Nurturing Curiosity, Work Life, & Changing People (22m) – Episode 037

Episode 037 looks at the advice to “never give up” on something that is no longer serving you (see also “sunk cost fallacy”); being kind to those, adults and children, who are curious about the world, even when you’re surprised by their ignorance; the importance of focusing on more areas of your life outside of work; and why and possibly how you can change the people in your life that are bringing you down.