Thanos, Renegades, Working, Anarcho-Capitalism, & Technology (32m) – Editor’s Break 128

Editor’s Break 128 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: what New Years means to him; why Thanos is a villain; the importance of cultural and economic renegades pushing boundaries toward the fight for liberty; the necessity of working to prevent starvation; how anarcho-capitalism explains reality; who the so-called “addictive” qualities of technology is a problem for; and more. Happy New Year 2019!

On Capitalism III

Noam Chomsky and other left anarchist types criticize capitalism and wage labor by arguing that workers can’t give valid consent because their alternative to working is starvation. Nevermind that employers are not the force creating the prospect of starvation (that’s Mother Nature’s doing), but doesn’t this criticism apply equally to every other arrangement?

Has Trump Been Good for Libertarianism?

I saw someone post that Trump is the most libertarian president and there was a long thread of people debating this. I think this idea is super wrong, and likely a hard stance to defend. I don’t think any of my friends would take the challenge to try to defend Trump as a libertarian president. That being said. I think I will make a post of why I believe Trump provides the presidency that libertarians should love the most since, at least Nixon, but probably since Grover Cleveland.

Economic Systems Transform Culture, Not Vice-Versa

I think capitalism is purely an accident, usually it doesn’t start. There have been several point in history where centralized control collapsed but markets still operated. In that period of time, no one was able to grab the reigns of power but peaceful transactions were highly profitable. Later, philosophers came in and acted like they were leading the parade. In short, I think the enlightenment explanation is wrong.