Many times over the years people have demanded proof that liberty is better than the alternative. Sometimes the detail being questioned changes — maybe it’s the concept of human rights or ethics they are objecting to — but the argument is the same. They don’t accept the superiority of liberty over whatever they’d prefer, so they demand proof.
Tag: bitcoin
Rumors of Cryptocurrency’s Death Are Still Greatly Exaggerated
Elon Musk is a man of many skills. He didn’t just make electric cars sexy, he sent one to space. Perhaps chief among his talents is the ability to roil markets by running his mouth. Lately, he’s aimed that talent at cryptocurrency.
The Great Political Stagnation
The last 25 years have delivered amazing economic and technological progress for humanity. *Political* progress, in contrast, is hard even to detect during this period.
Value, Cryptocurrency, and the State’s War on Both
In a March 24 Yahoo! Finance interview, as the price of Bitcoin hovered above $55,000, Bridgewater Associates chief investment officer Ray Dalio weighed in on the future of cryptocurrency. The two main takeaways from the interview are a little scary, each in a different way.
Blockchains and Bitcoins
Record-Keeping Technology People have been making records as long as they have been writing. Money serves as a unit of account, which makes the consistent tracking of finances and business …
Share What You Think is Important
When something is important to you, you want to share it. If other people don’t understand it, you want to explain it to them. You usually want others to like and understand it as much as you do, whether it’s a skill, a hobby, a religion, knowledge, or an idea. It’s why — besides the…
Allan’s Journey, Bitcoin, Face Masks in One Lesson (1h6m) – Episode 443
Episode 443 welcomes Allan Stevo to the podcast to chat with Skyler on the following topics: writing for over a decade and a half; what libertarianism means to him; free thinking and heterodoxy; being impressed by Ron Paul and working to promote his campaigns; Chicago corruption is acceptable as long the streets get cleared of snow; started a bitcoin exchange in New York City in 2013 (documentary), killed by BitLicense awhile later; hosted a bitcoin debate between Andrew Schiff and Jeffrey Tucker; his praise for Irwin Schiff; writing for; his new book Face Masks in One Lesson; the Lesson; the convenience of phrases like “I can’t safely wear a mask” and “I have a medical exemption from the County”; dealing with other patrons attacking you for not wearing a mask; safety reasons not to wear masks, including criminal deterrence; the importance of strengthening your resistance muscles; and more.
Stimulus May Be Last Nail for Dollar
In the long term, the dollar is doomed. It was probably already doomed, having lost over 96 percent of its value since the Federal Reserve was created. A dollar today is worth less than 4 cents compared to a dollar before government policy began its destruction.
Hope and Despair in Nearly Equal Parts
I’ve been observing and listening to what people around me are saying concerning recent events. It’s been interesting.
Real Democracy Requires a Separation of Money and State
As we enter a new year, the running battle between the world’s governments and the world-changing technology known as “cryptocurrency” continues. As 2019 drew to an end, Swiss president Ueli Maurer asserted that Facebook’s digital currency (not a real cryptocurrency), Libra, has failed “because central banks will not accept the basket of currencies underpinning it.” Politicians want to regulate — or, if possible, kill — cryptocurrency.