A Forgiving Society is an Honest Society

Most great crimes begin with unconfessed small faults – things like bias. Those small faults can remain unconfessed because of greed or malice, but often enough it’s a wrongdoer’s fear that keeps them from confessing guilt. Without confession, guilt drives more guilt and more wrongdoing. By the time we find out about someone’s guilt anymore (especially with a public persona), it’s seemingly beyond forgiveness.

Assumption of Risk, Where Art Thou?

One of the major lessons we learn growing up is understanding the concept of risk, that is, the possibility of getting hurt. Different activities have more or less risk as it concerns our physical safety. When we join a gym, our assumption of risk is explicit in the form of a written and signed waiver. This protects the gym from being sued when we injure ourselves. Does this concept have any place in the current discussion on sexual harassment and sexual assault?

False Dichotomy

It is difficult to imagine that the false dichotomy that is the screwy notion that we must choose between tyranny and arbitrary and capricious corporate rule, will ever go away.  There is no scenario in which corporations survive the fall of their protective states.