A Conversation Between Voluntaryists: Responsible Voting?

One of the best things about voluntaryism is you never know who is a voluntaryist. Kentucky is a big-government, culturally-conservative state, where I was born and raised in. Then I found out I have a like-minded neighbor. Among the radical libertarians who have made the Bluegrass state their home is Kilgore Forelle. Over breakfast we came up with a voluntaryist thesis which we turned into this dialogue here on EVC.

Police Are Not a Race, They’re a Gang

Police wake up each and every day and make the choice to enforce harmful and arbitrary “laws” against people in exchange for money stolen from their victims. It’s not about the cop as a person, it is about the aggression and theft they commit as a condition of keeping the “job.” But, the fact a person would choose to do that shows something very important about their character.

Five Decades of Research Confirms: Spanking Produces Similar Outcomes in Children as Physical Abuse

Of all parenting topics I write about and raise awareness to, spanking is, by far, one of the, if not THE most controversial ones. People put a lot of energy into defending their right to hit their child. What they have forgotten is their impact. Children learn what they live. If you cannot control your hand and temper in times of frustration and high sensation, then you cannot and should not expect such from your child.

Why the Schism?

The debates and arguments continue. Both sides can’t understand why their opponents can’t see their own point of view. The battles between Progressives/Liberals and Libertarian/Conservatives are the most vociferous. Why does such contentiousness exist? Here is my analysis. It boils down to some specific realizations.