Thoughts on “Me Too” and Sexual Assault (44m) – Episode 086

Episode 086 welcomes Jessica Burden back to the podcast to chat with Skyler about the “Me too” campaign going around Facebook, designed to increase awareness of the prevalence of sexual harassment and sexual assault. They discuss the ways bad parenting practices create and contribute to these problems, the responsibilities of everybody in not hurting other people, and in protecting themselves, what parents can teach not only their sons, but also their daughters, in preparation for dealing with these problems, and many more related topics.

Cowardice is Not a Virtue

First and foremost, pushing a “legislative” solution always amounts to condoning a violent solution. “Laws” are not polite suggestions; they are threats of force. “Gun control,” while usually framed in vague, euphemistic terms by its proponents, is gun violence. It is politicians threatening to send men with guns after any mere peasant who possesses something that the masters say they are not allowed to possess.

Charity, not Theft and Slavery

It’s hard to imagine, but I’ve read that back during the barbaric era of government, people in need actually relied on government to steal money to pay for the things they needed, or to force people to provide those things at their own expense against their will! Food, housing, and medical care were considered to be legitimate reasons to steal and enslave!

Natural Law in a Nutshell

Natural Law is the source of your rights. It does not depend on humankind, and it is universally valid. It cannot be voided or amended by kings, constitutions, or legislatures. It is the universe in harmony with reason. It’s not a new idea. Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Jefferson, and many others have taught it in one form or another.