“Peace Through Strength” Is a Racket

“I’m going to make our military so big, so powerful, so strong, that nobody — absolutely nobody — is gonna to mess with us,” Trump says. On other occasions he’s said similar things: “We want to defer, avoid and prevent conflict through our unquestioned military strength” (same link) and, a year ago, “Nobody is going to mess with us. Nobody. It will be one of the greatest military build-ups in American history.”

No One Stole Your Job

People who have chosen to trade with you in the past can decide to trade with someone else instead. While this may be inconvenient for you, this is not an act of aggression against you. It doesn’t make you a victim of anything. You have no right to a “job,” any more than the local convenience store has some right to have you buy lunch from them.

Free Will, Hypocrisy, Peaceful Coexistence, & Ideas vs. Incentives (45m) – Editor’s Break 054

Editor’s Break 054 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: why he’s been recording fewer episodes lately, corruption among political leaders, distasteful implications of the absence of free will, hypocrisy by Judge Katherine B. Forrest, who put away Ross Ulbricht of the Silk Road for life, the necessity of non-aggression toward the goal of peaceful coexistence, why incentives matter more than ideas in steering society, the high price that must be paid to satiate bigotry toward foreign immigrants, and more.

Property and Self

It seems to me that this is a central economic question confronting the human species, but to resolve it is to put statist and interventionist footprints all over the question.  Voluntaryists are stuck on the fence of believing the resolution while being restricted in implementing much of its implications.