Tom Bell: Choose Your Own Government (1h2m)

This episode features an interview of law professor Tom W. Bell from 2018 by Trevor Burrus and Aaron Powell, hosts of the Free Thoughts podcast. They talk about the emerging trend of bottom up governments. Private providers increasingly deliver services that political authorities formerly monopolized, inspiring greater competition and efficiency. They discuss this quiet revolution that is transforming governments with the potential to bring more freedom, peace and prosperity to people everywhere.

Thomas Sowell: Discrimination and Disparities (48m)

This episode features an interview of economist Thomas Sowell from 2018 by Dave Rubin, host of the Rubin Report podcast. They discuss his new book “Discrimination & Disparities” which challenges ideas related to economic outcome differences like discrimination, exploitation or genetics. They dive into Dr. Sowell’s upbringing and Marxist past, free speech on college campuses, the role of government, minimum wage laws, his experience as a conservative who happens to be black, and more.

Kelly Halldorson: Unschooling Liberty (1h1m)

This episode features a talk by unschooling mom Kelly Halldorson from 2013. She and her family of eight (2 parents, 3 teens, 3 dogs) travel(ed) full-time in a converted school bus known as “The Unschool Bus.” Kelly and her family live, learn, write, make music and art, play, and advocate for liberty from their roving home. They are Ron Paul supporters and passionate advocates for outside-the-system, alternative education methods known as “unschooling.”

Michael Munger: When is Voluntary Choice Really Voluntary? (48m)

This episode features an interview of economist Mike Munger from 2015 by Trevor Burrus and Aaron Powell, hosts of the Free Thoughts podcast. They talk about voluntary transactions and questions of justice in market pricing. What would everyone agree is truly voluntary? Are disparities in bargaining power coercive? What’s wrong with using the state to address these disparities? What about price gouging situations? What about sweatshops?

Randy Barnett: The Structure of Liberty (54m)

This episode features an interview of legal scholar and lawyer Randy Barnett from 2015 by Trevor Burrus and Aaron Powell, hosts of the Free Thoughts podcast. Barnett describes five rights—informed by natural law—that are crucial for properly structuring a society. He also shows how libertarian theories successfully counter the structural societal problems of knowledge, interests, and power.