Millennial Socialism, Teachers’ Strike, Fat Capitalist Bezos, & Work or Die (26m) – Episode 448

Episode 448 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/shitstatistssay: @NathanHRubin writes, “Millennials don’t hear socialism & think about the USSR or the Cold War… we think about Canada, Switzerland…”; PixPls writes, “It’s time that teachers stood up to their states and just said ‘No’. And while they are at it, a 20% raise is in order.”; Wordsmifff2991 writes, “The biggest cause of poverty is greed… Yes Jeff Bezos I’m talking to you.”; and NeonDepression writes, “There wouldn’t be any value without labor period. The worker HAS to create it for there to be any wealth whatsoever. Property inherently is theft… There is no such thing as a free market when people are forced to work in order to live. Thats called coercion.”

Avian Flu, Elected Transgender Women, Macron on Brexit, Pedophile Castration, & Pope Francis (30m) – Episode 447

Episode 447 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following news stories: from, “Avian flu confirmed: 1,800 migratory birds found dead in Himachal”; from, “Two trans women win election in historic moment for LGBT+ visibility in India” (, “LGBT themes in Hindu mythology”); from, “Brexit a product of ‘lies and false promises’, Macron says in New Year’s message”; from, “Child Predators to be Chemically Castrated Under New Regulation”; and from, “Pope condemns travelling abroad to escape coronavirus lockdowns” (YouTube / Ivor Cummins, “Crucial Viral Update Jan 4th – Europe and USA – Covers it ALL”).

Li Zhao: Surviving History’s Greatest Mass Murderer (54m)

This episode features an interview of Chinese expatriate  Li Zhao from 2019 by Matt Kibbe, host of Kibbe on Liberty. She talks about her experiences growing up under the communist regime of Chairman Mao Zedong. Between her grisly stories of starvation and totalitarianism, she explains why it’s so important to continue fighting for worldwide freedom, and to resist the allure of democratic socialism today.

Liberty Quotes: Bertrand Russell, Thomas Jefferson, Francis Mahaffy, Mahatma Gandhi (28m) – Episode 446

Episode 446 has Skyler giving his commentary on a quote by Bertrand Russell on the idea that some questions and opinions aren’t open to discussion; by Thomas Jefferson on disobeying unjust laws; by Francis Mahaffy on the concept of “social justice” and the damage it does to justice; and by Mahatma Gandhi on the inhumanity that is the use of coercion.

Anderson’s Journey, Philosophy, Stoicism For a Better Life (1h6m) – Episode 445

Episode 445 welcomes Anderson Silver to the podcast to chat with Skyler on the following topics: the French language in Canada; the cultural diversity of Montreal; his journey to self-reeducation; publishing 3 books on Stoicism; how Stoicism saved his life; our physical needs versus our mental and spiritual needs; how we each have a spirit, or soul; Stoicism and parenting; the prevalence of unidentified philosophy, or people learning and choosing the wiser course of action; human capacity for good and evil; striving toward clarity in dire situations; emotions make for bad advisors; Vulcanism versus Stoicism and Virtue Ethics; Stoic insight on New Year’s resolutions; and more.

Gabor Mate: Brain Development and Addiction (1h5m)

This episode features a talk by Canadian physician and addiction expert Gabor Mate from 2009. Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, compulsive work habits, sexual seeking or spending: what is amiss with our lives that we seek such destructive ways to comfort ourselves? And why is it so difficult to stop these habits, even as they threaten our health, jeopardize our relationships and corrode our spirits?

ARK3 Returns, Teaching Kids, Realism, & Frontiers (1h5m) – Episode 444

Episode 444 welcomes back Alex R. Knight III to chat with Skyler on the following topics: teaching social studies, English, and Spanish at a private sports academy; teaching future Olympic medalists in winter sports; why his social studies curriculum probably wouldn’t fly in public schools; the Tuttle Twins (and; “Great Myths of the Great Depression” by Lawrence Reed; the level of propaganda around COVID-19; why government parasites are always short-term thinkers; the fact that most people simply don’t care, and why should they?; the Voluntaryist vs. the Stoic in each of us; finding liberty in physical, entrepreneurial, and technological frontiers; finding helpfulness and community in relatively freer rural areas; his lamentations on a Biden presidency instead of 4 more years of Donald Trump; and more.

Allan’s Journey, Bitcoin, Face Masks in One Lesson (1h6m) – Episode 443

Episode 443 welcomes Allan Stevo to the podcast to chat with Skyler on the following topics: writing for over a decade and a half; what libertarianism means to him; free thinking and heterodoxy; being impressed by Ron Paul and working to promote his campaigns; Chicago corruption is acceptable as long the streets get cleared of snow; started a bitcoin exchange in New York City in 2013 (documentary), killed by BitLicense awhile later; hosted a bitcoin debate between Andrew Schiff and Jeffrey Tucker; his praise for Irwin Schiff; writing for; his new book Face Masks in One Lesson; the Lesson; the convenience of phrases like “I can’t safely wear a mask” and “I have a medical exemption from the County”; dealing with other patrons attacking you for not wearing a mask; safety reasons not to wear masks, including criminal deterrence; the importance of strengthening your resistance muscles; and more.