Kapitalism Kills, CEO Exploiters, & School Choice (40m) – Episode 294

Episode 294 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/shitstatistssay: Alexander Finnegan writes, “Stalin and Mao never intentionally caused any famines”; @ikarlymarx writes, “the CEO of target makes 17 MILLION dollars a year, meanwhile a worker at target makes at $13/hr, that’s THEFT”; and AcceptableBother writes, “its pretty obvious that school choice is an attempt to siphon off government money to private schools with less oversight and fewer responsibilities”.

George Floyd, Protests/Riots, Authoritarianism, & Lockdowns (37m) – Episode 293

Episode 293 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis PD over $20; nationwide protests, some of which turned into riots; his experience with the protest/riot in Salt Lake City; thoughts on the root of this problem not being racism, but authoritarianism; the mistake that has been the COVID-19 lockdowns; and more.

Unhealthy Foods, Anti-vaxxers, Diversity, Entitlements, & Constitutions (20m) – Episode 288

Episode 288 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: whether unhealthy foods should be illegal; how he looks at the anti-vaccination movement; why the goal of racial diversity may unwittingly have people only seeing color; the similarities of government entitlements and human sacrifice; constitutions and the presumption of liberty; and more.