Violating the NAP, Libertarian Planet, & Democracy and Minorities (19m) – Editor’s Break 098

Editor’s Break 098 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: whether one should violate the non-aggression principle to save somebody’s life, and what that says about the non-aggression principle; how a newcomer can come to own property in a place where all property is already owned; the effect of democratic government for minority groups; and more.

Gun Policy Costs, Equality and Property Rights, & Minarchism (26m) – Editor’s Break 094

Editor’s Break 094 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: whether homicides, suicides, et cetera, are a valid consideration for the costs of liberal gun policy; the achievement of wealth inequality in a society where property rights are secure; the status of minarchism, or minimal statism, as a libertarian political philosophy; and more.

Innocent Until Proven Guilty, Manspreading, & Teachers’ Pay (22m) – Editor’s Break 093

Editor’s Break 093 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the importance of respecting “innocent until proven guilty” and whether employers should also respect it; manspreading and “gender aggression”; the never-ending controversy over “public sector” teacher pay; Proposition 2 in Utah to legalize medical marijuana; and more. Listen to Editor’s Break 093 (22m,…

Intelligent Immigrants, Voluntaryist Lifestyle, & Property Rights (22m) – Editor’s Pick 092

Editor’s Break 092 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: his new primer on challenging jurisdiction; whether intelligent foreigners should remain in their home countries or immigrate for better prospects; the benefits of the voluntaryist lifestyle to others; the source of property rights and the implication of non-aggression; whether unschooled kids will act virtuously; and more.

Discipline, Homeschooling Intolerance, Politics and Development (23m) – Editor’s Break 091

Editor’s Break 091 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: what it means to discipline a child and whether he’d be okay with other people disciplining his children; what to do about your anger or prejudice toward a loved one who has decided to keep their children home from school; how politics, the use of violence in society, can affect societal and economic development; and more.