Is Libertarianism Extreme?

Guest post by Jacob Hornberger. Statists oftentimes accuse libertarians of holding extreme views. One reason for that is that since we have all been born and raised in a society based on welfare and warfare, the libertarian philosophy, which stands in opposition to socialism, interventionism, and imperialism, seems extreme to statists. Consider, for example, the…

Why Do We Obey?

Guest post by Eric Peters. If some random guy ordered you to submit to his will – or else – most of us would at least consider it assault. Many of us would try to escape – or defend ourselves. Very few would quietly submit. And almost no one would submit willingly. But when exactly…

Fifty Shades of Government

Guest post by Jeffrey Tucker. Government is a chameleon, pleased to wear any cultural or ideological cloak to blend in with its social and cultural surroundings. In a wrangling, struggling, grasping, dog-eat-dog democracy like ours, there are fifty shades of government, each suitable for a particular time and place, each adapted to purposes of the…

The Threat of Authority

Guest post by Will Grigg. Skepticism, Santayana observed, is “the chastity of the intellect.” In similar fashion, resistance – not compliance – is the default response of a free person to a directive issued by someone acting in the name of “authority.” Louise Ogborn, a teenage employee at a McDonald’s in Mount Washington, Kentucky, was…

Winning Arguments

Guest post by Eric Peters. The other day I had a chat with a neighbor friend. He posed a rhetorical question, “You do believe some taxes are necessary, right?” Rather than debate the merits of this or that tax, this or that function funded by taxes – I merely replied that as a non-violent person…

Myth and Truth About Libertarianism

Guest post by Murray Rothbard. Libertarianism is the fastest growing political creed in America today. Before judging and evaluating libertarianism, it is vitally important to find out precisely what that doctrine is, and, more particularly, what it is not. It is especially important to clear up a number of misconceptions about libertarianism that are held…

Confronting the Myth of Gun Control

Guest post by Faisal Moghul. In the wake of the Batman massacre in Aurora, Colorado, and now the Sikh Temple attack in Oak Tree, Wisconsin, the mainstream media’s propaganda blitz has predictably inundated the airwaves with the conventional, yet fallacious, orthodoxy that more guns equal more armed crime. Against this backdrop, some lawmakers have sought…

Voluntaryism is for Everyone

Guest post by You already believe in voluntary interactions; I’d be willing to bet that 95% of your life, or more, is made of purely voluntary interactions. You probably talk to other people peacefully, you trade voluntarily, and you get whatever it is you want from life without forcing other people to obey you…