Classical Liberalism’s Impossible Dream

Editor’s Pick. Written by Robert Higgs. I can understand why someone might embrace classical liberalism. I did so myself more than forty years ago. People become classical liberals for two main reasons, which are interrelated: first, because they come to understand that free markets “work” better than government-controlled economic systems in providing prosperity and domestic…

Libertarianism: How it Works

Editor’s Pick. Written by Paul Miller. Libertarianism is a political philosophy, that has “non-aggression principle” in its basis. Basically the idea is that it is both a) immoral b) counterproductive to use coercion instead of voluntary associations. With this logic, modern governments are aggressors that are not different from burglars and thieves and should be…

Freedom versus Mandatory Charity

Editor’s Pick. Written by Jacob Hornberger. Imagine if Congress enacted a law requiring everyone to attend church on Sunday. The idea would be that mandatory church attendance would be good for American society. With everyone being inculcated with moral and religious principles once a week, our society would be less drug-ridden, violent, and dysfunctional. The…