The Dance of Unschooling

Editor’s Pick. Written by Pam Laricchia. Reader Question: I would love to hear your take on unschooling in a co-operative circumstance. How much “getting out of the way” and how much instigating would you encourage? I know all kids and families are different but isn’t it just as much our responsibility to teach kids how…

Learning by the Seat of Your Soul

Editor’s Pick. Written by Allen and Laura Ellis. After dark on a summer evening, an 8-year-old boy named Allen and his mother sat on the blacktop driveway, which was still warm from the day’s sun, drawing with chalk. But they weren’t drawing daisies and rainbows and other normal-type pictures–they were doing geometry. Why? Because Allen…

Unschooling and Free Schools

Editor’s Pick. Written by Marike Reid-Gaudet. I’m interested in unschooling because it’s an applied philosophy rather than a teaching method. This philosophy, which I strive to use daily with my son, who is now 16 years old, is also the one used in free schools. For me, this approach to life and to children’s’ development…

Mindfulness and Unschooling

Editor’s Pick. Written by Pam Laricchia. I love the variety of words that express the concept of being mindful: observant, aware, attentive, conscientious, careful, cognizant, considerate, present, respectful, thoughtful, sensible. Living mindfully is another skill that I picked up as I played with creating a solid unschooling environment in our home. Being mindful walks hand-in-hand…