Rethinking “Evil”

If you watch the news (not recommended) you see people committing despicable acts of violence, and the general consensus is that these people who do evil… are evil. Ironically, when you have decided that someone is evil, bad, or wrong, it’s easy to justify doing evil things to them. “An eye for an eye” makes everyone blind. All this evildoing perpetuates the false belief that humans are inherently evil and would behave badly if not for our prohibitive laws and the constant threat of punishment.

Abstain Altogether

Editor’s Pick. Written by Connor Boyack. I fault nobody who abstains from voting. Voting is largely a corrupt process whereby people hope to be in a majority that can impose their will on the minority. As Lysander Spooner once observed, defensive voting is justified as a way to minimize the burden placed upon the individual:…

What Teaching in China Taught Me About Freedom and Individuality in the World

Working in education gave me unique insight into the parts of culture normally hidden from outsiders and casual tourists. It also gave me a deep resentment for those who maintain their culture at the cost of corrupting young minds. To see children be made into vessels for arbitrary cultural values on a massive scale would be the fire that would consume me.

How to Be a Good Unschooler

Editor’s Pick. Written by Pam Sorooshian. 1. Give your love generously and criticism sparingly. Be your children’s partner. Support them and respect them. Never belittle them or their interests, no matter how superficial, unimportant, or even misguided their interests may seem to you. Be a guide, not a dictator. Shine a light ahead for them,…