The Universal Product Code

Guest post by Stephen Gross. Have you ever wondered who regulates the Universal Product Code (UPC) and barcode industry? Probably not. Because of its complexity, there must be a central authority that administers these product identification numbers and the zebra-looking line segments on almost every product sold around the world. Even products imported from tiny…

Government in Violation of Antitrust Laws

Guest post by Chris Brown. Government antitrust laws have caused significant damage to consumers and businesses, all in the name of “consumer protection” and “promoting competition.” Unfortunately, government views on antitrust come from a fundamentally flawed understanding of economics – neoclassical economics, the view that is taught in most university economics courses today. In this…

Libertarians for Redistribution

Guest post by Gary Chartier. Libertarianism is a redistributive project. That’s another way in which radical market anarchism is rightly seen as part of the socialist tradition. Statists on both the left and the right favor the redistribution of wealth. Libertarians, by contrast, are often assumed to be dead-set against all varieties of redistribution. But…

The Voluntary Good

Guest post by Lou. A question came up in the comments section of a previous article. “Do businesses always have the best interests of the nation in mind when making business investments or do they have the best interests in their business?” My answer came quickly, “No. Businesses do not always have the best interest…