The Future Economic Destruction

Written by Dan Amoss for Laissez Faire Today. All government-directed economic activity grows at the expense of the private sector. And the election suggests that government coercion will drive even more U.S. economic activity in the future. This is a shame, because freely adjusting prices, competition, and innovation elevate living standards. Mandates, price controls, and…

Owning Land

Written by Jim Davies for As far as I know, there is no sound and comprehensive theory of the right way to allocate control (or ownership) of the Earth’s 150 million square kilometers of land among its seven billion human inhabitants. Since conventional theorists are not even looking in the right haystack, it falls…

Make Money, Not War!

Guest post by Lorne Strider. Originally published in The Voluntaryist, June 1988. I have argued that business people, those who create and produce wealth, are acting morally, and that people who pretend to act in the public interest, i.e., government people, are the bad guys whose actions not only create no wealth, but actually destroy…

Capitalism: Yes and No

Guest post by Clarence B. Carson. Some terms and phrases are well suited to lucid discourse and even debate. This is generally the case when they have a commonly accepted meaning, when they are generally used – or are capable of being used – with some precision, and when they are not overloaded with connotations.…