Freedom is More Important Than Fear

A pit bull biting a child does not mean that pit bulls should be banned. A Tesla automobile getting into an accident does not mean that Teslas should be banned. A person falling off a ski lift does not mean that ski lifts should be banned. An immigrant committing a crime does not mean that immigrants should be banned. A Muslim committing an act of terror does not mean that Muslims should be banned. The list of examples is as long as there are things and people which some authoritarians would like to ban.

Who Anarchists Are Actually

Thanks to the media’s portrayal of masked malcontents kicking over trashcans as “anarchists,” I believe some clarification is in order. I am an anarchist because I recognize that the institution of the state is fundamentally based on violence and coercion, not because I punch people in the face for exercising their freedom of speech.

Abolition from Transparency

According to its defenders, the state is supposed to be “by the people” and “for the people,” so how could it possibly have a right to keep secrets from the people? Of course, I believe that the state is evil and should be abolished in its entirety, but either way, can we at least agree that it shouldn’t be permitted to keep secrets?

Stop Trying to Control One Another

Most conservatives think I’m a liberal because I oppose the death penalty, war, the draft, censorship, drug laws, and other state interference in people’s personal lives. Most liberals think I’m a conservative because I oppose obamacare, welfare, food stamps, taxes, environmental regulations, and other state interference in business and the economy. Most libertarians think I’m an anarchist because I refuse to engage in the game of voting for people to run the state rather than agitating for its abolition.

The Role of Capitalism in Anarchy

Anarcho-capitalists have a tendency to fancy themselves as too far outside the normal sphere of anarchy when we are actually just anarchists who understand both economics and human nature. In a free society devoid of the fiction that is authority, some people would indeed acquire, improve, and trade natural resources. Ergo, capitalism. This would happen not because a system of capitalism was established but simply because no one was stopping production and trade from occurring.

With Crime, Hate is Irrelevant

In a just world, “crimes” would be only those actions which victimized others, and the reasons why would be fairly irrelevant. It ultimately doesn’t matter why you hurt someone or take their stuff (other than in justified self-defense, of course.) If you do victimize someone, you owe them restitution.