On Liberty and Security

The statist is someone who favors the aggressive monopolization of the provision of law and order by whatever group of individuals is able to successfully do so. The total statist is someone who favors the aggressive monopolization of the provision of every good and service. Either statist, because they support the unjustified initiation of aggression,…

On Utopia

Utopia means, literally, “nowhere.” This idea is thrown at voluntaryists and anarchists as an argument that their vision for society could never exist. Because Utopia is and will always be “nowhere,” then the Utopians are those who champion a vision for society that can never exist. Stateless, anarchistic societies have existed before, proving their compatibility…

On Human Nature

You’ll find in political and parenting debates the contrasting claims that humans are by nature either peaceful or violent. I have no doubt that humans have the capacity for both peace and violence. I see around me people acting peacefully, and I see in the news people acting violently. I would say that human nature…