On Anarchy III

It’s amazing how many ideas are impossible without anarchy (the absence of coercion). You can’t have peace without anarchy. You can’t have love without anarchy. You can’t have liberty without anarchy. You can’t have security without anarchy. You can’t have mutual-happiness or mutual-prosperity without anarchy. These are things that most people value and seek after. And they find them. Every second of…

On Anarchy II

Anarchy is the absence of something, the absence of a ruler, an initiator of aggression. By definition, aggression is a trespass, an uninvited invasion of the body or property of the victim. The burden of justification is on the initiator of aggression, on the ruler, to show why he should be allowed to initiate aggression…

On Anarchy

Suffering from a bout of jeffreytuckeritis, I can’t get this most glorious of concepts out of my head. Anarchy. An, without, archy, ruler. Without rulers. Without murderers, slavers, rapists, batterers, and thieves. Without the initiation of aggression and violence and coercion. Every interaction we have with others that is without one party ruling over the…

On the Police

Police cars used to display – and some may still – their supposed purpose, something to the effect of, “To Serve and Protect”. Naturally, when people read this, they assume it means to serve and protect them. Actually, they’re wrong. The police are not security for the people. Rather, they are law enforcement. Their mission…

On Death

Transhumanist dreams notwithstanding, we’re all going to die some day. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. Maybe not for one hundred years. But that day will come, I have no doubt. It may be on our terms, but it most likely won’t be. Death will take us the way, the where, and the how that…

On Spoiled Children

To spoil means, non-colloquially, “to strip, plunder, pillage.” That’s why they’re called the “spoils of war”. Colloquially, as it concerns children, it is claimed that if you let a child do whatever he wants, if you overindulge him, then he will become spoiled. But to anyone who understands the needs of children – psychological, emotional,…

On Megalomania

I don’t need a conspiracy theory like the “New World Order” to know that there exists individuals who want power at the expense of our liberties. A simple test suffices, care of Zeddicus Zu’l Zorander of Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth epic fantasy series: Who is more dangerous, a 200 lb. mugger, or a 100 lb.…