On Unschooling

I’ve heard unschooling described recently as “parental neglect.” Is it parental neglect to bond with your child so that you may better understand him as an individual? Is it parental neglect to figure out your child’s interests through constant interaction? Is it parental neglect to facilitate your child’s interests? Is it parental neglect to respect…

On Anarchy IV

Anarchy is the absence of rulers. In my opinion, rulers are initiators of aggression. Aggression is an uninvited boundary crossing, or trespass. But this begs the question: what counts as a boundary? This comes down to one’s theory of property. This seems to me to be the greatest schism within anarchist thought. Left anarchists oppose…

On Taxation

Libertarian anarchists and voluntaryists agree that taxation is theft. Why do they think that? Because not paying taxes invites harassment by those who identify as government. Why do those who identify as government feel entitled to harass non-taxpayers? Because they believe taxes are owed. Why do they believe taxes are owed? Because they believe the…

On Anarchism

In my opinion, anarchism is the philosophy of non-aggression. Aggression is an uninvited boundary crossing, a trespass. Rulers, by definition, are initiators of aggression. They trespass on the bodies and property of those they rule. Hence, anarchism, as the philosophy of “without rulers”, is the philosophy of non-aggression. The initiation of aggression is incompatible with…

On Anarchists

Some anarchists seem more opposed to capitalism than to statism. This makes sense in light of the fact that they view capitalism as a type of statism. But many who identify as anarchist don’t see capitalism as a type of statism. This really irks the anarchists who do. Some advice to these anarchists: rather than…

On Morality II

I think that morality and ethics is an objective science. If morality is “the proper behavior for a person in society,” (moralis) which I consider it so, then that behavior which maintains the society (community, fraternity) between people may be considered moral, and that behavior which destroys the society between people, immoral. Good and well, but…

On Primitivism

I’ve got major sympathies for the philosophy of anarcho-primitivism, the idea that primitive living would make us healthier and happier. The agricultural revolution, while being necessary to sustain growing populations, brought with it poor diets, poor lifestyles, poor parenting practices, and the cancer of statism resulting in economic exploitation and poor childhood educational practices. The…

On Hierarchy III

I love left anarchist Michael Bakunin’s essay on natural law and authority. In it he wrote, “Does it follow that I reject all authority? Perish the thought. In the mater of boots, I defer to the authority of the bootmaker; concerning houses, canals, or railroads, I consult the architect or the engineer… But I allow…