
Nobody asked but … I’ll start with a little self-plagiarism by citing Kilgore Forelle in a post to the Facebook group, Another 2000+ Libertarian Quotes: No preordained economic system achieves one-size-fits-all without violent authoritarianism. — Kilgore Forelle This, above, is plagiarism.  It just depends on how badly your antagonists want to get you between a…

Florida: So Much for “Parental Rights”

In late March, Florida governor Ron DeSantis was all about “parental rights,” signing what critics called a “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which he insisted was really all about protecting the ability of parents to guide their children’s upbringing, control what subject matter they were exposed to in the classroom, and be informed by schools of matters pertaining to their “mental, emotional, or physical well-being.” Only three months later, he’s threatening to have parents investigated by the state’s “child protective” bureaucracy should they choose to take their kids to entertainment events he doesn’t approve of. 

Socialism Doesn’t Liberate Workers from Domination

Writing in Jacobin, Ben Burgis argues that libertarians implausibly understand freedom as mere non-interference. In his view, a better understanding is one that affirms “that the kind of freedom that matters most is the freedom from arbitrary domination.” In Burgis’s example, “the boss [who] tells you that you can’t get a tattoo if you want to keep your job at his restaurant” subjects you to arbitrary domination and so makes you unfree.